Thursday, August 4, 2016

Day 1 - Arriving in Mérida

What a long day! I know that many of the kids barely sleep at all. It's tough to sleep on a plane, but many were successful sleeping on the bus. After the flights arrived on time and without incident we met Ana Maria and Our bus driver, Felipe, and headed for Mérida. The bus ride was long; about four hours. But we had a good time chatting and staring out at the jungle. We even stopped and explored for a moment.

We arrived in late and after stopping at an exchange house we went directly to the restaurant "El Prospe del Xtup". 

The food was delicious and they definitely gave us way too much. We are the traditional Mayan meals "pok chuk" and "panuchos".
Afterwards we had an odd dessert known as "el Caballero pobre".

Then it was off to the hotel. 

I have video that I would love to share but at the moment I'm having technical difficulties with the wifi and my laptop.

I could tell that the kids were impressed with Mérida. I heard lots of talk about how cool it was. I'm so excited for tomorrow! The kids were great today and I can tell that this is a good group of responsible young adults.


  1. Thanks for sharing!! Sleep well and look forward to hearing about your day tomorrow.

  2. Looks like an awesome group. Have a blast!
