Friday, August 8, 2014


The hotel in Mérida, as it used to be a colonial house, is equipped with "ganchos" on the wall where one can place hammocks. All of the locals sleep in hammocks throughout the peninsula. Almost no one has air conditioning and a bed would simply be too hot. Many of the students have bought hammocks here in Mérida and are using them for sleeping each night.

Another interesting thing that we were able to see today was the Miché. Miché is a large bug that is native to the area. It's lazy and easy going personality allows the local people to decorate it's back with jewels and wear the bug as if it were a broach. The Miché has legs with little hooks for feet that almost seem made for hanging on clothing. They are also worn as ear rings and on necklaces. Some of the students tried the Miché on. Keep in kind that this bug is alive when worn.

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